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House prices rose £37 a day in 2013 as new mortgage approvals also soar, figures reveal


By Graham Hiscott 

The average home shot up 8.4% in value while the number of mortgage approvals surged to its highest level in nearly six years

On the move: House prices continued to rise in 2013

On the move: House prices continued to rise in 2013


House prices rose £37 a day last year, with mortgage lending soaring, figures revealed today.

The average home shot up 8.4% in value to £175,826 in December, according to Nationwide.

Prices were up in every part of the UK last month, led by a near-15% surge in London.

Prime Minister David Cameron this week rejected fears that Government-backed funding schemes such as Help to Buy had fuelled a housing bubble.

Yet separate data also showed the number of mortgage approvals surged to its highest level in nearly six years.

The Bank of England said 70,758 loans worth £11.1billion were approved for house purchase in November.

But the revival seen in the housing market wasn’t extended to business lending.

The Bank of England said it fell by £4.7billion in November, marking the biggest slide since spring 2011.

Meanwhile, credit card lending hit a record £57.4billion high.


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