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The Government continues to put upward pressure on rents



Andrew_Charalambous.jpgUKIP Housing Spokesman, Andrew Charalambous has joined the Residential Landlords Association in criticising Tory government plans to extend mandatory licensing for HMO's. The new plans may bring in to the HMO category all two storey and/or rental properties with five persons or more. The new changes will impose a harsh burden on the already severely strained resources of local authorities. Worst still, the high cost of implementing these changes will undoubtedly be passed on to tenants rents. Resulting in further fundamental pressure on already rapidly rising rents.

Andrew Charalambous said, "At a time when there is a desperate shortage in affordable housing the government should not be compounding the problem by over-regulating the market with unnecessary red tape and superfluous costs. This government has let down both tenants and landlords alike. It's time they stopped entertaining gesture politics and started practically addressing our country's colossal housing crisis."

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