644: Healthy means wealthy
Be Healthy and Stay Wealthy
PropertyInvesting.net team
Health and Wealth: Every once in a while, being analytical and scientific thinkers, we like to give advice on health, simply because “without health there is no wealth”. There are very few examples of people with severe health issues – like mental health, disability or terminal deceases/illness that go on to make millions. The top priority is safety and health, with the money following this foundation of life. If you want to destroy your wealth, then hard drinking, drugs, heavy smoking, over-eating, having accidents and getting no exercise are all good ways to start. Conversely it’s difficult to make serious money if you are not healthy. You might also find, the more disciplined and focussed you are on staying healthy - the better your mind will work, you will be more alert and have a greater capacity to tackle challenging business issues that arise during your property investing.
Insights: What we are going to describe is some exceptional insights we have on health. Though we are focussed on property investment, its best to take a holistic view – there is no use having serious money if you have deteriorating health and can't enjoy it – we thought we should advise all our readers, because it might help you live a long and wealthy life. This is our objective and it’s probably yours as well, otherwise you would not be reading this Special Report by now. Almost all people desire a long, healthy, active and wealthy life.
Data Quantity: Scientific studies and correlations are progressing at an astonishing pace, partly because of the sheer quantity of new data on people’s health – accessible to academic and medical institutions. Artificial intelligence and advanced analytics are being used to make correlates and create health insights. When we look across all these data – there are some key insights we would like to pull out that could alter your daily habits and improve longevity, quality of life and wealth.
Muscles: It is our believe based on many recent studies that one of the keys to longevity is “muscles” – the comparative muscle mass versus fat. The larger your muscles compared to your fat (or flab) the better. The leaner and/or larger your muscles are and the less flab you have is key. We believe the key reasons for this – and we can’t prove these at this time – they are hypothesis – are that:
- Muscles process and burn deadly cancer forming chemicals day and night – during exercise and after, also during sleep
- Muscles burn sugar and fat that cancer feeds off
- Muscles give the body strength – in the limbs, chest, stomach and heart – that aids blood circulation – as the heart pumps fast during muscle exercise, it flushes the circulationary system vessel of artery clogging substances
- Muscles means an older person is able to stay active for longer, exercising and hence process out the environmental toxins that we consume and absorb in our 2017s lifestyle
- Muscles and exercise also create Endorphins that give an uplifting positive and exhilarating feeling after during and after taking exercise
- Muscle tone and strength help protect you joints from aging-deterioration providing them support - and also help exercise and keep you ligaments healthy
Of course its worth highlighting some dangers - over-exercise and over excursion in a short space of time can damage muscles, create injuries and even snap ligaments - so everything in moderations - especially as you get older - otherwise you will "set yourself back".
Dangers of Muscle Deterioration: As the body gets older, of course the key is to retain muscle mass – try and delay the withering of muscles and strength that inflict all elderly people – indeed any man over 30 years old in a gradual sense. For example, take a look at the size of muscles in a man of 75 years old versus 25 years old and you will see what we mean. Note in women, around 45% of strength is lost around the time of menopause. A recent study showed a very strong correlation between the speed an elderly person walked at and mortality - if you are able to keep walking rapidly for longer - its likely you will also live longer. As soon as you stop moving when you are old, the study suggested that mortality would be in a relatively short time on average.
Older People Put On Weight Normally Because Muscles Deteriorate: As people get older, there metabolism drops in large part because there muscles reduce in size – and if one eats exactly the same amount of food and calories, then obviously the excess calories will always be stored as fat – and lead to being overweight then eventually obese. The trick for aging people – which is everyone – is to keep exercising, developing muscles as best possible and reducing calorie intake to match the likely reduction in your muscle mass. If you build muscles, you will of course be able to eat more and stay slim at the same time – because when you are relaxing and asleep – the muscle will burn off the flab.
Risks to Developing Your Muscles: The obvious risks to this strategy of keep your muscles large and your fat levels low are – in getting exercise, you injure yourself – bones, ligaments or muscles – either by pulling them or having an accident. Stating the obvious, you need to avoid having accidents – play it safe – don’t take unnecessary risks when exercising. Avoid extreme sports. Avoid skiing.
Cycling: Interestingly a recent study from a group of medics in Glasgow studied 250,000 commuters and found that people that cycled to work – on average 30 miles a week – had almost half the incidence of death through heart decease, heart attacks or cancer, when normalised for smoking, weight etc, compared to people that drive to work. This fits our hypothesis that people with large lean muscles – remember the largest muscles on the body are the thigh and butt muscles that get developed from cycling – people that are leaner – have almost half the incidence of cancer and heart decease. The chance of getting killed on a bicycle in 2015 was around 17 times higher per mile than driving by car, but interestingly slightly less than walking (as a pedestrian by mile). It’s still three times safer than driving a motorcycle. You just need to be very careful and aware of danger areas.
Safe Cycling: You can of course reduce the chance of getting killed on a bicycle by designing a route that goes through parks, cycle paths and quiet roads if you are worried about an accident. You will need to be very careful as well. Cycling to work – the study quite rightly pointed out – is a routine and becomes part of daily life – so it takes the “dreaded” out of the equation – you just need to be discipline and keep to the routine. It’s just a mode of transport. If you can continue cycling regardless of the weather or season – this is of course far preferred. This is easier than trying to build going to a gym or swimming pool into your routine – because there will always be a hundred reasons why you can skip it the gym – after work drinks, invited to lunch, not feeling so well, feeling tired, or more exciting things to do. When cycling, to reduce risks – wear a crash helmet, hi-visibility gear, lots of flashing lights in the dark etc and cycle defensively – don’t jump lights.
Saving Money and Routine: The other positive thing about cycling – apart from saving money commuting and being part of a good steady routine – is that its good on the joints unlike running and jogging. You are far more likely to preserve your joints, far less likely to pull a muscle or twist an ankle or wear our your cartilage in your knees or hips. A healthy compromise though is cycling to work and back every day, with some jogging at the weekend – to develop a slightly different muscle set through running. Walking will also help building muscle mass. If you can’t run or job, then walk – it’s a good substitute.
Upper Muscle Strength and Mass: Regarding upper body strength and muscles. Some 2-3 kg bell weights, stretches and any chance to get on a rowing machine will develop and tone up these muscles – which are very important. Also, if your upper body muscle tone, mass and definition get well developed – it will do you no end of good from a “feel good about yourself” factor – regardless of whether you are a man or woman. Having toned abs and a good body profile should boost your self-confidence. You will be able to wear body hugging cloths that show off your figure.
Weight Gain – Getting Fat: Regarding weight – or people getting flabby – the only really sustainable way of losing weight and flab/fat – is by developing muscles. The best way of building muscles is by walking, running, cycling, rowing, swimming and going down the gym and pumping weights. If you worry about your weight and getting fat or flabby – its crystal clear in our minds – you need to focus on building muscle then your fat will evaporate away. The more muscle you build – the more your fat will vanish – it’s as simple as that. The reason is – muscle burns energy (or fat) whilst fat stores energy (sugar is converted to fat only if it’s not burnt by muscle (including the heart, and to a lesser extent some other organs like the brain). You can try going on diets – but the most effect way of losing weight is developing muscle – period. You just won’t read many books describing this – because they are all trying to sell diets and food. If you want to lose weight – you need to get active – and in doing so your muscle mass will increase then you will burn the fat – “simples”.
Aging Process: As you get older – and you follow this advice – or these tenets – then you will notice that:
Your peers around you will be getting rounded, flabby, out of shape and looking a lot older than you – you will stay lean, with young body profile
- You will have more energy and a more positive younger outlook on life
- You will be able to handle more stress
- Your increase in positive mental and physical energy will allow you do more and better property deals – and gain-retain wealth
- You will have a far higher chance of living longer and avoid the twin major risks of heart decease and/or cancer.
Diet: We have written extensively about food-diet before, and we won’t go into much detail here, but the key is to:
- Avoid refined sugar
- Avoid drinking too much alcohol (it’s also a type of sugar)
- Try and stop smoking
- Avoid illegal drugs of any kind (its destroys motivation and leads to mental illness)
- Avoid eating too much wheat and carbohydrates
- Eat loads of vegetables, fruit and nuts
- Eat plenty of lean meat and fish
- Avoid eating too many acidic foods like refined sugar, fizzy drinks etc
- Drink alkaline water – for instance pH 7.5-8.3 non fizzy mineral water (or tap water in SE England and other hard water areas – e.g. areas with limestone/chalk bedrock-aquifers)
- Take a multi-vitamin tablet each day, plus vitamin D
- It’s our belief that acidic diets lead to cancer and the furring up of arteries – cancer feeds off sugar and acidic rancid fat – so if you keep your body in a neutral-alkaline state you will risk mitigate against cancer and heart decease.
Vitamin D - Critical: Just a word on vitamin D – it’s absolutely essential and one reason why we think the Scot’s life expectancy is so low compared with people in southern England. There is very little sunlight in Scotland for 6 months a year. Vitamin D is more like a special hormone – essential for good health. It take 3 months to build-up Vitamin D levels in your body from sunlight (if you don’t take tablets) and 3 months for these levels to drop off again– so the most deficient period in Scotland is end March each year. The winter mortality rate is also high during this period – Jan-March. There isn’t a direct correlation of course, but what were are hypothesizing is that “peak health risk” and “peak depression” is March each year in Scotland and northern countries – before the Vitamin D levels start to slowly increase in the body. People in southern England get far more sunshine especially in the autumn and spring – so this deficiency is far less. So if you live in Scotland or any area which sees little sun like Ireland, Wales and northern England, you really have to take Vitamin D – it could be a life saver – especially in the winter. For Scots, even late April your Vitamin D levels will still be very depleted – still a risky time of the year – until they have built to the highest levels around end August – after those long summer nights and albeit of relatively weak sun.
There is a strong correlation in later life between mobility and mortality. Recent studies show that elderly people who walk fast live longer, it’s a good indicator of when someone will died. If you cant move anymore our view is that toxins built up, your heart gets less exercises and the muscles deteriorate and cant process the toxins – leading the ailments and mortality. The key is to be able to keep moving – but not take excessive risk so you have accidents that then prevent you from moving. Along with muscles of course are ligaments and bones – its very important of course to keep your bones, joints and ligaments functioning as best possible. Taking vitamins will help, not having accidents will help, moderate exercise should help, and keeping your strength without over doing it and getting injuries.
In summary – build muscle and steer towards a healthy alkaline diet – and you will be on for a winner.
Alkaline Food and Drink – Stay Healthy
This section could be the most important text you ever read in your life. Over time we think you will come to appreciate the unique insights in this Special Report. It’s based on our own scientific research into a cross section of health and social criteria that we believe come together to create a healthy body – both mentally and physically. It’s a compilation of all the learnings – and also experiences. We will try and make it succinct – we are not trying to sell a book and don’t want to bore you. Just give you the key insights so you can work on this yourself.
Acid = Cancer = Heart Decease: Firstly – we believe there is a direct correlation between acidic food and drink, and cancer and heart decease. The more acidic food and drink you consume, the higher your chances of getting cancer, heart decease, diabetes and dementia. Acid food and drink furs up arteries and provides the nutrients for cancer forming cells to feed on. There is a strong link between acid foods and sugar, or refined sugar. The more processed foods with refined sugar you eat, the more acidic your diet will be. At the end of this Newsletter is an appendix of acidic foods to avoid and alkaline foods that are recommended.
Acidic foods and alkaline foods are not the same. They affect the body's metabolism differently and may not be suitable for certain individuals with delicate immune systems. This is especially true for acidic foods. Acidic foods are said to add to a host of health problems and may be bad in the long term for people. Alkaline foods are said to prevent disease, and generally have higher antioxidant properties.
Acid vs Alkaline: The normal pH of blood, is 7.4. Neutral is pH 7.0. Hence blood is slightly alkaline. This is an environment where the blood is most healthy and able to fend of cancer and other decease and do the processing and cleaning that it requires. If a person eats too much acidic sugary foods, then the whole body shifts into an acidic toxic environment which is ideal for the fast growth of mutating cancerous cells. Loading your diet up with acidic fluid and food - like fizzy drinks, junk food, sugar, bread, processed foods and too much red meat means your body will be constantly fighting to stay neutral - it will put stress on your liver, kidneys and other organs that attempt to neutralize the acidity. As sugar turns to fat - cancers can grow more easily in the acidic environment.
The trick is to stay well into the alkaline body environment by:
- Eating neutral or alkaline food (avoid highly acidic foods)
- Drink alkaline water (avoid drinking acidic water and fluids)
Alkaline Water a Must – Geology: With regard to alkaline water, this is a key part of a healthy diet. We have done quite a lot of research based on US and UK regions, and have found overwhelming evidence to suggest that drinking “hard” alkaline (or mineral) water with pH of >7.5 is an absolute must – and will dramatically reduce the risk of getting cancer of all types and also heart and circulatory deceases. The best water in the UK is in London, SE England most parts of the Midlands– these areas have the hardest water (Bromley in Kent has just about the hardest water in the London and the UK). Regions far north and west – like Scotland, Wales and Cornwall have very soft water which is very acidic and in our view unhealthy. This is linked to the regions geology. Older metamorphic and igneous rocks normally give soft water – acidic water. Its soft and nice to clean with, it also tends to taste nice and clean but it’s not healthy. Hard water tends to come from Limestone, Chalk – generally in the younger rocks. These are prevalent towards the SE of the UK. In addition, older sandstones that were deposited in desert environments often give hard water from borehole water because of the salt – gypsum, calcite and other minerals within the pores of these sands. Hence water in the Midlands – which has many “red” desert sandstones – tends to be hard. Some people debate whether it’s the “mineral salts” or the “alkalinity” of the hard water that is most important and good for one’s health. Its worth referencing “spa towns” where the Victorians would bath for medicinal purposes. Places like Bath, Harrogate, Buxton and Leamington Spa. Let's just assume its both – it really does not matter too much. Its just best t drink alkaline water with mineral salts in. The minerals should also be considered as “natural vitamins”. Its important to point this out because what you should “not” do is filter your tap water because this will take out the healthy mineral salts and also in the process make the water more neutral or even
slightly acidic. Its best to drink good old tap water. It’s a perception that he scale in kettles is bad for you – you might even think it “firs up your arteries” but it actually does exactly the opposite. It helps your arteries to stay unfired. Its acid water or soft water and acidic foods that fir up the arteries.
Cancer and Heart Decease: The presence of hard and soft water regions also broadly correlates with the regions with the highest incidence of cancer and coronary heart decease. In soft water regions, our advice is drink bottled mineral water with pH of 7.7 or more. If you live in a hard water area, make sure you do not filter water – which probably takes out the minerals and reduces the pH and hardness. You ideally need to drink hard water with pH of at least 7.5. If you do still want to drink soft water, the best idea is to make a jug of water, put a slices lemon in it, put it in the fridge and drink this lemon water. The reason is – over a period of a few hours, this water “ionizes” and in your body will create a similar response to drinking alkaline water. The other option is to put a small teaspoon full of bi-carbonate of soda into a litre of water.
Drink Lots of Water: The only caveat to drinking lots of alkaline water is – it is best to drink lots of water between meals and not immediately before, during or just after a meal. The reason for this is that the stomach contains acid and these acids break down the food in your stomach – bringing out the nutrients. So its best to drink loads of alkaline water about an hour after you have eaten, then stop half an hour before you start eating. You will probably notice how well you feel – because you will be fully hydrated with good alkaline water during meals – and be getting the full benefit of the alkaline food from your meals by not drink during your meal.
Elderly People – Drink Lots of Water: Elderly people often get depressed and show signs of disorientation, fatigue and memory losses – sometimes they are even incorrectly diagnoses with Alzheimer’s Decease. But often its simply because they are not drinking enough water. As they become less mobile, they like to avoid going to the toilet and cut down on the amount of water they drink. This is a big mistake. If you have elderly relatives make sure they drink enough water to hydrate their brains and general body – encourage them to drink lots, use a bed pan if they have to. Drink lot’s of mineral water. Make it easy for them to go to the toilet - this might mean building a toilet on the ground floor for instance.
Acid Alcohol: With regard to alcohol, of course this is acidic – alcohol is definitely acidic – so when you drink beer, wine and spirits, just remember you are feeding your body refined sugar and this will not help your health. Beer also has yeast, is fermented and will bloat you. Mixed with bread, beer will bloat you even more - your mid-rift will swell. The only caveat is probably red wine, which although it is acidic, if drunk during a meal (like the French do) it probably helps initial acid digestion and red grapes have many good minerals. Red wine might actually help your health marginally in small quantities. Overall though, alcohol in large quantities is poison – and it will make your body weaker and more liable to decease. Recently studies of alcoholic red wine versus non alcoholic red wine found that red wine has well over double the health benefits of non alcoholic red wine. The challenge is to only have a small glass say five days a week. Drink in moderation. If you have to drink every day, you can call yourself an alcoholic. A bit like someone that has to smoke 5 cigarettes a day - they are addicted also.
Fat: So what about “fat”. Over the last 20 years, possibly the worst advice the governments and health institutions around the world have been giving is to avoid all fats. What this has done – is encouraged food manufacturers to replace fats with refined sugar and thereby increasing the acidity of food and feeding sugar that is directly converted in the body to fat.
Natural Fats: Most natural fats (un-processed) like beef and pork fat are actually good for you. They will prevent heart decease rather than cause it. Lashings of olive oil is good for you. Lashings of sunflower oil is good for you. There is nothing wrong with cream. All these foods are far better than eating refined sugar (e.g. sweat, sweetener, crisps, chips, frizzy drinks etc). The "fat is bad" scare stories have been way overdone in our view. The human body also needs a variety of fats as part of a healthy diet – fat particularly help the brain neurological functions. The best fat of all is “coconut oil” – which is a medium chain fatty acid, thought to be effective at slowing Parkinson’s Decease, Cockayne Syndrome, Alzheimer’s Decease and general aging of the brain, neurological system and body. One table spoon of coconut oil a day is recommended. It can also sterilize your mouth and clean your teeth – many people swill their mouth with coconut oil – something called “oil pulling” – an ancient Ayurvedic remedy for oral health and detoxification. Recent research also shows a link between gum decease and Alzheimer’s Decease and also heart attacks– so keeping your teeth very clean and free of bacteria is important - and coconut oil can help with this. And again, sugar is bad for teeth and gums - as are other acidic food and fizzy drinks.
Wheat and Bread is Bad: Wheat and many grains are acidic – also bread, particularly white bread. So many people eat so much bread and they wander why they feel lethargic, put on weight and feel unhealthy. Let’s make this very simple – wheat is a relatively “new technology” that the Romans invented. Our body is not used to it. Yeast and bread are toxic and acidic. Its best to avoid eating bread – which is simple a low cost “filler” – cheap and lacking in nutrients. Okay, if you have not money and are desperate for calories, yes, it will be better than nothing, but for people who can afford to look after themselves, we advise against eating bread. Bread bloats you – you can feel the body swelling up almost immediately after eating it. This is a bodily reaction to something toxic. If you cut out bread, you will probably find you lose a lot of weight rapidly. The other benefits of losing some weight is that human fat – which is “fat stored” – is acidic and is the ideal nutrient for cancerous forming bodies. The fatter you get, then more likely you are to get cancer and the more acidic your body will generally be. Wheat bread is far worse than wholegrain brown bread because it is made from the inner core of the wheat grain only - which is less nutritious - and they use bleach in the baking process to make it whiter - which tends to destroy any remaining nutrients.
Muscle Mass is Key: Now most people have to work hard to keep their weight down – keep the fat down. The next bit of this special report is also critical to your healthy being. The only sure way to lose weight is to build muscle. Yes – we will repeat this. The only sure way to lose weight is to build muscle. That is why people that exercise a lot lose weight – its not the actually “burning of the calories” when they exercise that does it. It is the building of the muscle mass – which then burns the calories when the person is at rest or sleeping. If you build 20% more muscle, you will be able to eat 20% more without putting any weight on – because the muscle burns the calories. You can go on a “diet” – nothing particularly wrong with this – but it will be a waste of time if the underlying cause of the weight gain is small muscle mass. f you want to lose weight and flab, the best way to do this is to build muscle mass.
Key Your Muscles: Why do you think the older you get the more difficult it is to keep your weight down? It’s because as you get older, your muscle mass reduces and hence the weight and flab piles on. The trick is to simply maintain as best possible the amount of muscle on your body as you get older. We don’t claim this is easy. As you get older, at least if you try and keep your muscles toned up and as large as possible, then as you get older, eat progressively slightly less, you will probably contain any weight gain. If you want to keep eating huge meals, you will have to build more muscle. The added benefit is you will be stronger and more robust when you get older - and it will help you live longer.
Endorphins: Recent studies have also identified that one of the reasons why people feel so good after exercise is not just because of endorphins, but also because muscles are a vital organ-tissue that processes toxic material and emits chemicals that make the exerciser feel good. The action of using or flexing the muscle switches toxins into chemicals that are good for your mental health and wellbeing. They also act like an pain killer – evidence this with how – after doing exercise a while – one does not tend to feel any pain – one gets a really exhilarating feeling of well being, followed by a period of feeling very relaxed – almost a sedated content feeling.
Build Muscle: So how do you build muscle. It’s quite simple – you walk, jog, run or cycle to build your thigh, calf and buttock muscles. These are your bodies biggest muscles. It also helps to and use a dumb bell weights to keep your arm, back and stomach muscles nicely toned up and prevent muscle mass degradation over time. For all round exercise, swimming, gardening, hiking, building and other activities can all help retain muscle mass.
So you see, muscles will reduce the fat deposits on your body, then this will directly make your body overall less acidic, more balanced and healthy – and reduce you change of getting cancer, heart decease and diabetes.
Sugar is one of the most acidic foods - particularly processed sugar. It should be avoided as much as possible. Cancer thrives in high sugar environments - it feeds of sugar and the sugar will make any cancer "take" then "grow fat". Coca Cola is highly acidic because it contains so much sugar syrup and is carbonated (carbonic acid). Soft drinks should be avoided. Beer as well.
So in summary, what you need to do is:
• Eat alkaline food
• Drink alkaline beverages
• Build muscle mass
You then cut down drastically eating and drinking acid foods whilst building muscle your chances of getting cancer, coronary-heart decease, dementia and diabetes etc will be dramatically reduced.
Context: And just as a final reminder - to all property investors - the fitter you are, the more robust your actions and developments will be. Your mind will work smarter and you will be more able to handle the challengers of being a property investor - like dealing with regulations, planners, councils, tenants, banks, builders and other stakeholders. You will also be able to invest for more your actively and this should increase your returns - with reference to the value of time and inflation.
Acidic Foods - food to avoid
Acidic foods are foods with a low PH level, and high acidic base. Acidic foods cause more acid to form in the stomach, because they are harder to digest than low acidic foods. Examples of high acidic foods include meats, cheeses, dairy products, certain types of fish, and smoked foods. Here is a complete list of acidifying foods.
• ACIDIFYING VEGETABLES Corn, Lentils, Olives, and Winter Squash.
• ACIDIFYING FRUITS Blueberries, Canned or Glazed Fruits, Cranberries, Currants, Plums, and Prunes.
• ACIDIFYING GRAINS, GRAIN PRODUCTS Amaranth, Barley, Bran, oat, Bran, wheat, Bread, Corn, Cornstarch, Crackers, soda, Flour, wheat, Flour, white, Hemp Seed Flour, Kamut, Macaroni, Noodles, Oatmeal, Oats (rolled), Quinoa, Rice (all), Rice Cakes, Rye, Spaghetti, Spelt, Wheat Germ, and Wheat.
• ACIDIFYING BEANS & LEGUMES Almond Milk, Black Beans, Chick Peas, Green Peas, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Pinto Beans, Red Beans, Rice Milk, Soy Beans, Soy Milk, and White Beans.
• ACIDIFYING DAIRY Butter, Cheese, Cheese, Processed, Ice Cream, and Ice Milk.
• ACIDIFYING NUTS & BUTTERS Cashews, Legumes, Peanut Butter, Peanuts, Pecans, Tahini, and Walnuts.
• ACIDIFYING ANIMAL PROTEIN Bacon, Beef, Carp, Clams, Cod, Corned Beef, Fish, Haddock, Lamb, Lobster, Mussels, Organ Meats, Oyster, Pike, Pork, Rabbit, Salmon, Sardines, Sausage, Scallops, Shellfish, Shrimp, Tuna, Turkey, Veal, and Venison.
• ACIDIFYING FATS & OILS Avacado Oil, Butter, Canola Oil, Corn Oil, Flax Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Lard, Olive Oil, Safflower Oil, Sesame Oil, and Sunflower Oil.
• ACIDIFYING SWEETENERS Carob, Corn Syrup, and Sugar.
• ACIDIFYING ALCOHOL Beer, Hard Liquor, Spirits, and Wine.
• ACIDIFYING OTHER FOODS Catsup, Cocoa , Coffee, Mustard, Pepper, Soft Drinks, and Vinegar.
• ACIDIFYING DRUGS & CHEMICALS Aspirin, Chemicals, Drugs, Medicinal, Drugs, Psychedelic, Herbicides, Pesticides and Tobacco.
• ACIDIFYING JUNK FOOD Beer: pH 2.5, Coca-Cola: pH 2, and Coffee: pH 4.
Alkaline Foods - food that is beneficial to eat
Alkaline foods are low acid forming with a high PH level, and sometimes help control digestion, which eliminates excess acid in the stomach contributing to acidity.
• ALKALINE FOODS are Alfalfa, Barley Grass, Beet Greens, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot Cauliflower, Celery, Chard Greens, Chlorella, Collard Greens, Cucumber, Dandelions, Dulce, Edible Flowers, Eggplant, Fermented Veggies, Garlic, Green Beans, Green Peas, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Mustard Greens, Nightshade Veggies, Onions, Parsnips (high glycemic), Peas, Peppers, Pumpkin, Radishes, Rutabaga, Sea Veggies, Spinach, green, Spirulina, Sprouts, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Watercress, Wheat Grass, and Wild Greens.
• ALKALIZING ORIENTAL VEGETABLES Daikon, Dandelion Root, Kombu, Maitake, Nori, Reishi, Shitake, Umeboshi, and Wakame.
• ALKALIZING FRUITS Apple, Apricot, Avocado, Banana (high glycemic), Berries, Blackberries, Cantaloupe, Cherries, sour, Currants, Dates, dried, Figs, dried Grapes, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Muskmelons, Nectarine, Orange, Peach
Pear, Pineapple, Raisins, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Strawberries, Tangerine
Tomato, Tropical Fruits, Umeboshi Plums, and Watermelon.
• ALKALIZING PROTEIN Almonds, Chestnuts, Millet, Tempeh (fermented), Tofu (fermented), Whey and Protein Powder.
• ALKALIZING SWEETENERS The natural sweetner Stevia.
• ALKALIZING SPICES & SEASONINGS Chili Pepper, Cinnamon, Curry, Ginger All Herbs, Miso, Mustard, Sea Salt, and Tamari.
• ALKALIZING Healthy Foods. Alkaline Antioxidant Water, Apple Cider Vinegar, Bee Pollen, Fresh Fruit Juice, Green Juices, Lecithin Granules, Mineral Water, Molasses, blackstrap, Probiotic Cultures, Soured Dairy Products, and Veggie Juices.
• ALKALIZING MINERALS Calcium: pH 12, Cesium: pH 14, Magnesium: pH 9, Potassium: pH 14, and Sodium: pH 14.
We hope this Newsletter has given you some interesting insights into health – and will get you thinking about the value of “muscles”. If you have any comments or queries, please contact us on enquiries@propertyinvesting.net